1 | Andy Kaufman's mom wanted a girl, his father wanted a boy, and they were both satisfied! |
2 | Auf die Frage von Jim Ross, warum Brian Christopher soviel Ähnlichkeit mit ihm hat: A long time ago, I got a vasectomy, and I paid for it with my MasterCard. Well, I forgot to pay the bill that month, so they sent someone over and they got my wife pregnant. |
3 | I'd like to see things from your point of view, J.R., but I can't get my head up my rear end. |
4 | Nachdem Austin Vince McMahon gedroht hat, ihm die Zähne rauszuschlagen: I don't think they are real anyway, but I don't think McMahon want's to lose them. |
5 | Über den Road Dogg: When he was in Desert Storm, he was getting shot at by both sides. |
6 | Über Sunny: When Sunny was in school she wasn't very good in history, but she was great on dates! |
7 | Nachdem Jim Ross sagte, daß Sunny zu jung für Lawler sei: I'm not embarassed to be seen with younger women, except when I drop them off at school. |
8 | Als ein fünfjähriges Mädchen zu sehen war, das Shawn Michaels zujubelte: Look at her, now I know why animals eat their young. |
9 | Helen Hart is so old, she remembers when the Dead Sea was sick. |
10 | I'm not a racist like Brett Hart, I hate everyone equally! |
11 | Nachdem Tazz verlangt hatte, daß Lawler ihm seine Sprüche ins Gesicht sagt: Tell him to come down and I will tell him how short his is to his face. If I can bend down that far. |
12 | Is that Paul Bearer's face, or did his butt grow a nose? |
13 | Paul bearer has more chins than a Chinese phone book. |
14 | Über Ahmed Johnson: He has the IQ of 2 and it takes 3 just to grunt. |
15 | Paul Bearer is so fat, he has his own gravitational pull! |
16 | Über die ECW Arena: This Bingo Hall should be built out of toilet paper because there's nothing in it but Shit. |
17 | Über Allundra Blaze: She has a million dollar body, but a ten cent face! |
18 | Hey Finkel, the last time I saw something like you, I flushed it! |
19 | It's going to be a hair-raising experience. In your case McMahon, a toupee-raising experience. |
20 | Über die Tatoos des Undertakers: OOOh, look at that face. That's Helen Hart's face there. |
21 | I got in trouble because I stopped and told Helen Hart that her nylons are wrinkled......She wasn't wearing any. |
22 | Helen's got nice teeth....for a beaver!! |
23 | Auf die "Don't drink and drive"-Kampagne von Jake the Snake hin: The only reason why Jake "The Snake" Roberts doesn't drink & drive anymore is because he is afraid he might hit a bump and spill his drink. |
24 | Der Undertaker taumelte gerade im Ring: That looks like Jake "The Snake" on a Saturday night. |
25 | Als sich Mankind mal wieder ein paar Haare ausriß: Look McMahon, there is some extra hair for your toupee. |
26 | I heard a rumor that Ahmed Johnson needed a kidney transplant, and Jake "The Snake" was the donor! |
27 | Hey McMahon, I just saw a movie this past week about Stu & Helen's kids: Twelve Monkeys!!! |
28 | Zu Stu Harts 80. Geburtstag: I heard that everyone wanted to get the right amount of candles for the cake, but the fire marshall wouldn't let them. |
29 | I was offered a job to write and draw a cartoon about the Hart family. I had a hard time trying to draw Helen Hart because I don't think anyone has invented a pen with enough ink to draw all the wrinkles on her face. |
30 | Look at you. Is that your face, or did your neck throw up? |
31 | Look at these two, look at her face! You see, it's girls like you that turn men into... well, you know, people like Goldust. |
32 | Now that Razor Ramon's leg is hurt, he probably has to ride on a wheelchair. If his wheelchair ever stops moving because of rust, he can just use the grease from his hair to make it roll again. |
33 | If Vader drops the Vader Bomb on Razor Ramon, a huge grease spot will be left on the ring. |
34 | Hey McMahon, at the Bikini Beach Blast, if you decide to take a swim in the pool, your toupe might raise to the top and scare everyone away. |
35 | That was the scariest thing I have ever seen, having to sit next to McMahon in the dark. You should have seen his toupe, it got up and started to crawl like a bug. |
36 | Savio Vega is taking more shots than Jake "The Snake" does during happy hour. |
37 | Hey Ross, I had a nightmare last night, Sunny was my mother and I was a bottle baby. |
38 | I'm not saying that Stu Hart is old, but I hear that Anna Nicole Smith is asking him out on a date. |
39 | Sunny sitzt neben McMahon: Watch your hands McMahon. |
40 | Vince: And there is a look at Sable who gets more beautiful by the day. Lawler: Clean your glasses. |
41 | Beavis & Butthead are doing America is like Jim Ross and James E. Cornette doing Sunday morning Superstars. |
42 | I heard that scientist found evidence of prehistoric life on Mars and that Stu & Helen Hart are the founding parents. |
43 | I heard that Stu & Helen Hart use to be nudists, until they got kicked out of the Garden of Eden. |
44 | Zu McMahon: You and Goldust probably shop at the same place: Toupee's R' Us! |
45 | Here comes "Stone Cold" Steve Austin. Here is a guy who parks in handicap spaces. |
46 | The Manhattan Center is where I first confronted Stu and Helen Hart. The couple that produced more tragedies than Shakespeare. |
47 | Zur ECW: Why don't you bring your thugs & has-beens to the Manhattan Center, which is an arena and not a bingo hall where you guys wrestle in. |
48 | The Honky Tonk Man called Paul Bearer about cremation for Col. Tom Parker. Paul Bearer said, "Do you want extra crispy, or original?" |
49 | Über Stu Hart: Why don't you put your teeth in backwards and eat yourself. |
50 | Über die Godwinns: If these guys brains were bacon, they would be sizzle-lean. |